The corner joints of log buildings are divided into two main types: long and short corners. The simplest corner joint type is called dog neck. It is the most common type in round-log buildings and also the easiest to make, because the other joint types require more cutting.
Sometimes the dog neck joint was made on the top surface of the log. In this case, the risk of decay was greater, because water accumulates easily in the cup-like joint. A dog neck joint is also used in modern industrial round log production and in log construction using dead standing logs since the 1960s.
The most common corner joint type used in the 19th and 20th centuries was the straight corner, also known as long corner or cross corner. Flush or short corners include the dovetail corner, which was used much, for example, in houses that were clad with boards in the 1920s to 1940, and the lap or lock corner, also known as the tooth corner.