
perustuu Carita Hultin tekstiin  

Unfinished wood, depending on the usage, suffers from wear. Heat, touch and the UV-radiation from the sun predisposes the wood in indoors as well as outdoors by changing the woods structure. Wood never stops living, even if it has been used to make furniture. The humidity of the air and temperature differences expands and contracts the wood. These differences must be taken into acknowledged when working with wood. Humid environments produce blue stain, mold and wood-rotting fungi which make the wood unusable.

The radiation from the sun can cause faster aging. The UV-radiation breaks the surface of the wood and turns the wood gray. The wood turns gray, yellow, darkens or lightens depending on the wood type. Also the direction of the light hitting the wood has an effect on the color
The finish of the wood depends on the usage. When making furniture for example, you must make sure you use the correct type of finish. If the furniture will be used outdoors, the finish must be something that won’t be affected by the temperature and humidity differences. It should also be strong enough for wear and tear. Furniture for public areas usually have a much stronger finish since they are used more.

A finished product such as furniture is easier to keep clean, it can show the woods natural patterns much easier and the aesthetics of the furniture improves. By finishing furniture, you can bring out characteristics, individuality and even improve marketing. Especially when talking about furniture for the public. A company’s image is important which means that you have to use the same type of finish that has been used before in order to keep the image the same. This is why finishing products play an important role when making furniture for companies etc.